Sunday, March 04, 2007

Of Airline Scams And Goody Journalists...

Alright, this one goes out to this little friend of mine who accused me of having too few posts on my blog and also small posts at that. Times have been turbulent of late, with the roller coaster touching new highs and stooping to new lows. Have become increasingly intolerant of loud noises that seem to emanate from different corners of this place at random hours. End-semesters are on, and gloom surrounds me. Have managed to put up quite a brave front despite being disallowed in a couple of subjects due to lack of attendance.

The press has not yet had enough of the Shilpa-Jade episode with newspapers alternating between flooding us with photographs of the two with Shilpa taking centrestage on one day and Goody the next. Excitement regarding the cricket World Cup beginning later this month has reached fever pitch giving a prominent national daily published from this city an excuse to fill up space with opinions of unknown scribes on issues ranging from biomechanics to Brand Saurav.

This place is still recovering from the aftermath of what I would like to call the “Mighty Airline Scam”. Though now restricted to being discussed in a lighter vein, this scandal had managed to infuse much-needed energy to the monotony of this place. For further details, kindly attain salvation.

I would love to let this end here but I shall give in to the demands of my brethren and prolong this a little further. The aforementioned scam took place during my short trip to Pune last month. That trip has made me realize that some relationships are true and everlasting. Though life for the people I know over there has changed quite radically, certain bonds have still remained. Also, time and distance have crept in and successfully filtered the true from the temporary.


Anonymous said...

hmm... u know what??
im the first person to comment .. u my dear have a lot of potential..
hint: write the airline scam one day.. in third person and in terms of person y.. itl make a good read..

Anshuman Rath said...

lol...m pretty sure the mighty scammer wil hav sumthin 2 say abt dis!!

Anonymous said...

true from the temporary is so understood..and so the temporary doesnt fade away,u shud remain to stay...

Anonymous said...

Well written article.